...the least of these...
…..As you have done for the least of these brothers and sisters, you have done to me. I have never personally met anyone who personifies this scripture, more vividly and sacrificially, than my friend Rachel.
And she needs our help. But first, allow me to tell you about this amazing woman. She is the single mother of FIVE adopted children and ONE foster child. That’s right, she has 6 children to raise on her own - ranging in age from 2-16. She’s doing it all while working full time. That would be enough right there. But that’s just the beginning.
Each of these children came from homes of abuse, neglect, and addiction. Consequently, they all have some range of special needs as they navigate a lifelong road of healing and recovery.
Some of the children’s special needs are obvious, like Charlotte’s who is wheelchair bound with blindness and cerebral palsy, others are more invisible like suffering from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Mood Disorders, or being on the Autism Spectrum. Furthermore, there are multiple visits to doctors, therapists, lawyers and special schooling needed to help them best. To say it is overwhelming would be an understatement.
So why does Rachel do all this? Many would say these children were not “high adoption potentials.” But, Rachel believes with her whole heart that each child has value and worth. Where would these children be if the church and those who love Jesus quit?
Here’s where you come in….Rachel needs help right now. We can help in simple ways like driving kids to events, doing laundry or cooking a meal. If God is speaking to you through this story, please consider helping Rachel. Click here to sign up. These simple acts will be life changing for this entire family.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Any questions please contact mendy.fedotowsky@southbrookcitylights.com