An Interview with the Coys
We sat down with Jake and Kelly Coy, Springboro City Pastors, to get personal about City Lights. And here’s what they had to say:
What was "it" that initially drew you to City Lights?
Jake: The aspect of getting to serve the community. I've always had an itch to help people but never did anything about it. City Lights was my avenue/opportunity to put that to work.
Kelly: Similarly, I always wanted to help serve the community but never knew the best way to get involved. When SouthBrook, which is so close to our hearts, created City Lights, it allowed us to jump into serving in multiple different ways.
What has been the biggest positive out of the journey?
Jake: Seeing my growth and comfort level change. I now have been able to speak in front of people, including telling people what God has done for me, and I’ve become more comfortable in social settings. Kelly and I have connected to God together more since being involved in City Lights and taught us a new way of working together.
Kelly: Learning to grow as a leader. Leadership is something I've always felt drawn to but hadn't had an opportunity to allow that part of me to be brought out until City Lights was created. I've discovered new skills/strengths about myself and was able to grow in some of my weaknesses, including speaking in front of a group of people. It's had a major positive impact on our marriage as well. We've learned to be more selfless in serving others which I think has carried over into our relationship. We've also learned to work well together for a common goal.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Jake: Trying to inspire friends in our age group to serve alongside us.
Kelly: Finding new, innovative ways to attract people to get involved. Once you're in, I feel like you kind of get it. The hardest part is helping people "rip the bandaid off" and get them to initially jump in.
What are some things you're learning about yourself and others in this journey?
Jake: Being uncomfortable helped both of us feel comfortable. We have both been pushed out of our comfort zones and have grown to be more comfortable speaking in group settings, talking about God with others, and praying with others.
Kelly: Just what Jake said! We've both grown a lot spiritually and personally. I have been especially proud and excited to see how much Jake has grown and see how passionate he is about serving others.
What is so important about this movement, for yourselves and why others would want to jump into these opportunities?
Jake: It's important to us because we've been able to serve others and see how God can help other people through us. God wanted us to be servants to others and I think this is a good opportunity for us to be His servants and to see Him work which can strengthen our faith and trust in Him.
Kelly: City Lights has been so important to us on multiple levels. We have grown on a personal level. We've seen positive effects in our marriage. And we've gotten to truly experience being the hands and feet of Jesus. Each time we meet we are reminding ourselves and others that we are doing Kingdom work. It's more than SignUpGeniuses and donating money here and there or your time on a random Saturday morning. We're making a true impact on people's lives and God sees that and we feel and experience the blessing that comes from that. It's been so cool and I want others to get to experience the things we've seen and been a part of!