Weena's Story

I should hate the church.

Really, I should. If you knew the whole of my story, you’d likely be surprised by my deep love for it. My deepest wounds and scars are all associated with the church. I can trace them back to my earliest memories as a child and they continued right into my adult life. I’m a preacher’s kid, former elder’s wife and former church staff member. I’ve been in and around the church my entire life and I’ve seen it all - the good, the bad and the ugly. And the side no one talks about - the underbelly.

And so, despite the assaults, affairs, lockout, and countless injustices. Despite the shaming, shunning and guilt trips. Despite the hate letters, inappropriate conversations, wrongful accusations, lies and betrayals …

I still love the church deeply.

I recognize that the church is made up of folks just like me - flawed and fractured humans. People have gotten it all wrong at times. I’ve gotten it all wrong at times. But we don’t quit. Chasing after Jesus is worth it. Connecting with His kids is worth it. I’m so grateful for forgiveness, grace, mercy and good counseling.

I remember the Sunday Charlie first mentioned City Lights. I sat up a little straighter in my chair. It was what I needed to hear. I remember hearing him share about the importance of not only coming to church but being the church in our everyday lives. I remember him saying that he recognized how difficult it can be for people to “find their tribe” in a church the size of ours. The more he talked, the more intrigued I became.

While drawn to the City Lights movement from the start, I will be honest; I was also terrified. So many feelings and hurts from the pasts resurfaced. I thought about saying no just to protect myself from any additional pain. But again, I deeply love the church and the way of Jesus. So it was a yes - a yes I have not regretted since.

City Lights is refreshing and energizing. I sense the excitement when chatting with folks about it. It has been such an incredible blessing to me to serve with the Miamisburg/ West Carrollton/ Moraine communities. I love connecting with people and finding ways for our communities to live the “up, in and out” life.

Maybe part of my story resonates with you. Maybe you too have been wounded by the church. I get it, friend. But may I lovingly say, don’t give up on it? I lovingly encourage you to stay curious. Maybe come and visit me and the other City Pastors at the kiosk on Sunday? I would love to meet you and connect you others in your community. I would love to help you “find your tribe”.

Please keep praying for this movement and know we are praying for you.

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